


全台1/3 的鮮蚵產量來自東石




主乃活石 被神揀選寶貴;就像活石 建造成為靈宮



2008年3月16日 星期日

鄉福代禱消息 2008年3月

鄉福代禱消息 2008年3月

Village Gospel Mission Prayer Request, March 2008




謝謝您一直為蒜頭工作區的宣教事工禱告。原本房東打算賣屋,目前已同意繼續租教會使用兩年。灣內福音中心短宣接力,春季3/15-4/15、 4/15-5/15;秋季 9/15-10/15、11/15-12/15;冬季12/15-1/15仍需要同工,請為所需要的工人代禱。





鄉福辦公室 敬上


Dear VGM Prayer Supporters: Greetings!

Please pray for 15-tier Summer Bilingual Camps. In addition to Bilingual Camps, we will pilot Character and Talent Camps this year. We are all moved by the enthusiastic dynamics of the young Organizing Committee Members with the passion and love toward the youth and children in villages. May the Lord equip and use them to their capacity. General Director Rev. Chen Wenyih dedicates his time and efforts to spend time with the young coworkers in a hope that they will imitate the character of a senior leader to enhance their resolve to commit their service for the Lord, and ensure the long-term impact and the VGM's strategic vision and services to continue on into the future. We anticipate a need for 380-420 counselors. Please pray to God to send the young counselors to join this effort.

We appreciate your prayers support for Suan-Tou Church's Out-Reach Ministry. The landlord changed his mind to continue allowing the rental agreement for additional two years for the church use. The Mission Relay at Wan-Nei still needs coworkers for 3/15-4/15, 4/15-5/15, 9/15-10/15, 11/15-12/15, and 12/15-1/15 for Spring, Fall, and Winter Seasons. Please pray to the Lord for Him to send workers.

Mrs. Huang, the wife of Missionary Huang Jin-Man at Ta-Pei, took her two children back to Korea to learn Korean language for one year. Three of them have settled down at the Missionary Retreat Hall. We thank God for their services to Taiwanese villagers from Korea and pray for their well beings even though they are at two separate locations. May the Lord anoint their services and language learning with His abundant grace and presence.

Please pray for Rev. Chen Wenyih's mother for going through chemical therapy with less pain and the ability to absorb nutrients from foods. Pray for healing for his mother to glorify His name. In the meantime, please pray for power and strength from the Lord for Rev. Chen even in his busyness in taking care of his family and providing the services to the VGM.

Please pray for VGM's coworkers. Pray for the abundant grace, power, and faith for pioneering and establishing the church be granted to them to glorify His name.

May the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your family forever!

The Office of the Village Gospel Mission

March 2008


2008暑假雙語營、鄉村體驗營開鑼了,歡迎上網報名 http://www.vgm.org.tw
鄉福簡訊 第243期 2008年3月

【主題文章】【人物見證】 【信息分享】 【營會事工】【事奉第二春】

為鄉福禱告  VGM Prayer Request Mar 08

【主題文章】 一週生活安排  ◎陳文逸


【人物見證】  我的實習心得  ◎廖坤杰


【營會事工】  集腋成裘  ◎陳韻竹、曾亞欣、陳姿妤、蔣伊鈞


【事奉第二春】  第一次接成人短宣隊的感想  ◎林博  


【信息分享】  事奉從心開始  ◎溫盡滿
